MPS India Holding Private Ltd.

Things You Need For Your First Apartment

We shape our homes in an infinite variety of ways, ranging from simple placing of furniture to designing and building from scratch; in return, and with equal variety, the homes we live in structure our day-to-day lives. Considering how much potential there is for creative change, many of us approach shopping for a new apartment as a surprisingly piecemeal fashion. Simply overwhelmed by the complexity of it all, we go by what feels right.


The feel of a new plan or home, though certainly significant, is not enough. Choices about what you really need for your first apartment are complicated; they are also of paramount importance. Assessment is the means to deciding what you want and need in your new home and the route to establishing what options are available. In this blog, we have made things easier by categorizing things needed for each room.

Getting an ongoing flat under 50 lakhs that too near to the infopark is nearly impossible with good amount of amenities. Here we provide you the best ongoing flats under 50 lakhs near infopark having all the requirements.


There may be many items that are needed by some people but not by others. Utilize the list as a guide to understand what you exactly need to ensure satisfactory results.




The kitchen is one of the most important centres of any household as it is simply a work space where hours are spend. Since the appearance of electrical appliances in the 1930s, the kitchen has evolved in to a machine and gadget oriented space. However, remember that it is a mistake to overload a kitchen with appliances ill-suited to your requirements, budget . decide at the outset which appliances you need now, or are likely to require in future.


List Of essential items that are required





The room where you eat is often the centre of activity and the heart of the house. And the table is the focal point for solitary and communal activities – for conversation, playing board games, doing homework or jigsaw puzzles and for the pleasure of eating. Obviously, the furniture should be comfortable enough to encourage these diverse gatherings and activities.


In former times, complete dining room suites – a table, chairs and sideboards. Your choice of table should be influenced by utility as much as style. Choose chairs that are comfortable, and allow plenty of room for knees between the seat and the table’s under-rail. In tiny spaces, chairs that stack and fold up are sensible. Stools are space savers too.




More than any other room in the house, your bedroom is the place where you can shut the door on the world, strip off all the trappings of the day and surround yourself with things that give you pleasure. Remember, your bedroom is the most personal place in the house; plan it so that it’s a room that you look forward to sleeping, waking and living in.


Beds and beddings

Your bed is undoubtedly the most important piece of furniture you own. You spend about a third of your life lying on it. The best kind of bed is the one that feels right for you. Whether firm or softer, it should give you adequate support.





The bathroom can be leisurely and luxurious, or simply streamlined; it may have to double as a laundry with fitted washing machine.


Initial necessities for Your Bathroom





Living rooms have a single formal function; can be used comfortably on a day-to day basis and also doubles as the setting for parties and gatherings. Collect those things you really like and want to keep for the rest of your life and distribute them as central themes in your your drawing room.



Selecting the level of change that is right for you entails identifying how you want to live, as well as practical requirements and then assessing how these can be met in the simplest, cheapest and least disruptive way. Finding the best ongoing flats under 50 lakhs near tripunithura is the toughest part, but even that is now relieved as MPS provides the way. A detailed profile of your practical requirements is an essential foundation for major home decisions. By working through this checklist you can chart this profile